My name is Yvonne Evans, I’m a Medical Assistant and I’ve been working in the Department of Neurology in the Yale Physicians Building (YPB) for 10 years.


Now, I’m out on a 6-month Leave of Absence from my department. I’m spending my days organizing my co-workers to fight their own fights. It’s important to me that I’m empowering my members to take issue with conflicts that arise in their department and speak up. Our contract is only as strong as we are to enforce it.

I’m out on leave because I realized that there was more work to be done in my department than I could do on my lunch breaks or volunteering my own time. So far I’ve been working in the Medical School and at Yale West Campus. I know that when I get back to my department the changes I’ve made while I’ve been out have made YPB a better place to work.