Dear Sisters and Brothers,
Tuesday marked three weeks of Local 33’s Fast Against Slow. That’s three weeks of Yale continuing to be on the wrong side of history. We’re sending along an update from our friends in Local 33—please take a few minutes to read the amazing press coverage of their campaign!
Join us today, at 333 Cedar Street for a noontime picket. Let’s show Yale that we won’t stand for their union-busting ways!
In solidarity,
Laurie Kennington, President & Ken Suzuki, Secretary–Treasurer
Dear friends,
We’d like to take a moment to catch you up on some highlights from week three of the fast.
We marked two weeks with a powerful action asking Yale: How much longer?

We know that Yale likes to do things on their own timeline. Together with our allies, we took to Cross Campus to make our own time—in the form of a giant, moving human clock . . .

We made national headlines including this excellent piece by Professor Jennifer Klein in the New York Times!

And The Washington Post published our member Julia Powers’ op-ed exposing Yale’s culture of sexual harassment.
Undergraduates delivered more than 1,000 petition signatures in support of us to the President’s Office . . .

Senator Elizabeth Warren pledged her support . . .

As did Congressman and Deputy Chair of the Democratic National Committee Keith Ellison (D-MN) who called on Yale to negotiate . . .

We’ve made an indelible mark on Yale University . . .

And on Tuesday, temporarily, on Beineke Plaza . . .

Click to watch coverage of Tuesday night’s action on Channel 8.
Thanks for all of your support, we’ll see you soon!
Aaron Greenberg Political Science Local 33–UNITE HERE Chair |
Robin Canavan Geology & Geophysics Local 33–UNITE HERE Co-Chair |
Camille Cole History Local 33–UNITE HERE Secretary-Treasurer |