Our Jobs are worth fighting for!
Since 1984, I have been a proud member of our fighting union. I remember the days when Yale argued we didn’t need a living wage because women were working for “pin money.” But after almost forty years of service to the University, my job security is being threatened by subcontracting. I am calling on Yale to agree to no subcontracting and no layoffs.
I work at the Beinecke Library, where our members are responsible for handling precious printed and archival materials. Processing a single new collection can take years, but we are frustratingly understaffed. Instead of hiring enough C&Ts to do this work, Yale paid millions to two outside firms. This revolving door of subcontracted employees leads to unnecessary mistakes that we then need to correct. That is disrespectful to our work, to our donors, and to the materials themselves. An institution with Yale’s money should be investing in employees to deliver quality, not in a company to deliver quick results.
As the University chooses to hire outside companies instead of C&T staff, I’m worried about our members being laid off. I know from my own experience that our union jobs are worth fighting for. When I lost my husband, my Local 34 job meant I could keep my house. If Yale wants people doing Local 34 work, they should be Local 34 members with wages and benefits that allow people to live and retire with dignity.
Add your story to mine. Join me and send a letter to President Salovey asking him to agree to protect our jobs and our standard.
Amelia Prostano
Acquisitions Assistant, 40 years at Yale