The Local 34 Organizing Committee in the Medical School The heart of our union is our Organizing Committee, hundreds of Local 34 members who volunteer their time to make sure our union is successful.The committee gathered on August…

Yale University Hires Non-Union C&Ts!

While the University is using Hospital cuts in funding to justify layoffs across the Medical School, it is hiring non-union C&Ts in Branford, Guilford, and Stamford. Yale University has created a for-profit subsidiary called Medical…

Bargaining Update

Dear Fellow Local 34 Members,In keeping with the vote at our December Membership Meeting, job security has been our first priority in bargaining. We submitted full job protection language to Yale in April, but did not receive a counterproposal…

Local 35 and Local 34 Stand Together to Protect Our Jobs

As we continue fighting for real job security language in our next contract, we are deeply appreciative of the solidarity of our brothers and sisters in Local 35. Together, our two unions are making it our first priority to ensure…

Medical School Layoff Update

As of today there have been 18.5 layoffs in the Medical School, many fewer than Yale threatened in the spring.​Layoffs have taken place in the following departments: two in Dermatology, three and a half in OB/GYN (one position was cut…

Local 34 Members in the Central/Science Area Ask for Department Heads’ Support in Taking on Provost’s Budget Cuts

Union members across the Central/Science Area have circulated a letter asking our department heads to join us in calling on Provost Polak to stop actions that…

New Report: How Yale Management Threatens Good Medical Jobs

Dear Sisters and Brothers,On May 27th, the Local 34 Officers and Executive Board met with School of Medicine Dean Robert Alpern and other University leaders. We met to discuss our findings after surveying hundreds of clinical workers on…

Local 34 Executive Board Meets with Dean Alpern about YNHH’s Impact on Our Work

The Local 34 Executive Board and members from the Medical Area met with Dean Alpern to present our findings on the impact of Yale-New Haven Hospital’s expansion on our work. Our report is based on almost 400 surveys of clinical staff…

​Bargaining Update

We have urged Yale to return to a mode of problem-solving and have launched our contract negotiations by giving the University a full job security proposal. Coming off our 5/5 Job Security Rally, the University acknowledged they will provide…